What a fantastic event! Even the chilly morning winds could not keep your Recreation Committee, a roster of terrific vendors, and many, many volunteers from ensuring great success! The Association extends a hearty round of applause to all who worked so diligently, to all who organized, and to all who came.
The Holiday Turkey Project!
Your Association is proud to announce that thanks to your participation and the many quarters you shared on behalf of the Holiday Turkey Project, Block House Creek Owners Association was able to raise almost $1,600! That’s going to make many, many turkeys available to many, many families in need!
See For Yourself!
Two, yes, TWO photo albums documenting the day are attached for you below! Why two? Because including all those great pix in a single pdf file simply made for too many upload megs! Thanks, Bryan, for sharing some terrific photos!
Who Were All Those Vendors?
Twenty-eight area vendors helped make Harvest Fest such a fun day. When next you see these great folks, we hope you will extend your personal thanks to them as well.
- Child ID
- Cara Fotovich
- Crystal Richter
- Lonestar 98 Girls
- Initials, Inc.
- ViSalus
- Schiable Realty
- Stepping Stone School
- Sweet Potatuhz
- Elza Dental
- Pawsome Pet Services
- Shelf Reliance
- Cedar Park Pediatric and Family Medicine
- Scentsy
- Tupperware
- Thirty One Gifts
- 5 Linxus
- Belle Amis
- Party Lite
- Gold Canyon
- The Good Kitchen
- BHC Destination Imagination Team
- Vortex Martial Arts
- Nationwide Insurance
- Central Texas Advocare
- Texas Family Eyecare
- Austin Regional Clinic
- Larry & Ruth Geilenfelt
And now, grab that cup of coffee, settle in at the computer, and enjoy all SIX pages documenting what a great event Harvest Fest turned out to be!
HavestFestAlbumPart1.pdf (1016 downloads) HavestFestAlbumPart21.pdf (986 downloads)