May 4th and 5th! What a grand weekend for our Cook-Off chefs who so diligently worked to help us all Smoke Out Crime in Block House Creek and for the many residents who attended! Here for you is your 2012 Cook-Off photo album. Pages highlighted in red depict your cooks moving in and setting up. …

What a TOUGH Cook-Off competition! Thanks to Lone Star Barbecue Society and their use of a double-blind judging system, the identity of our Cook-Off winners and those who placed remained totally anonymous until the very end! This year’s cooks were all incredible! Special THANKS to all—to each and every team, to Lone Star for their …

Here for you! A photo album of Block House Creek Owners Association’s Walker House Wine Tour, complete with an overview of history made available to Block House wine tour attendees by the Cedar Park Heritage Society. Enjoy!

Working in cooperation with Kelly-Moore Paints, your Architectural Committee has devoted a great deal of time and energy to identifying new color samples for exterior painting. Residents can obtain the new color chart through Kelly-Moore, 400 West Whitestone Blvd. It may be a bit confusing to determine exactly which areas of your home are designated …