A big round of applause to former Association Board President Ursula Logan who was recently recognized by the CAI’s Center for Community Association Volunteers in its’ September/October on-line newsletter m:nute! The article, entitled “Minutes: A Can-Do Attitude”, highlights Ursula’s accomplishments on behalf of Association members as well as all residents of Block House Creek.

Provided for you below is a pdf of the featured article. Should you have an interest in viewing all of the content of this issue of m:nute, visit http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/caimin/issues/2012-09-27.html#4.

During the September 15th Annual Meeting, Ursula stepped down from the BHC OA Board of Directors to assume responsibilities as a Board Member of the Municipal Utility District.

Thanks, Ursula, for so many years of dedication, so many jobs well done, and for the kind of ongoing spirit that will help the MUD Board keep Block House Creek such a fantastic community!

Readers: Should you wish to share your personal congratulations, you may do so via the contact block, home page, bottom right, or on the Association’s Facebook page.

UrsulaMinutes.pdf (950 downloads)