Heartiest Congratulations to our August Yard of the Month winners! 1206 Dillon Lake 1503 Rossport Bend 3309 St. Genevieve
A highly popular program administered by the Association’s Maintenance and Safety Committee is Yard of the Month. Typically, five homes are honored each month, April through September. However, in light of the new Stage 3 water restrictions that began August 1st and in an effort to promote authorities’ mandated requirements, the Committee has opted to …
Exactly what is xeriscaping? The term, coined in 1981, is defined as quality landscaping that conserves water and protects the environment based on seven principles: planning and design, soil analysis, practical turf areas, appropriate plant selection, efficient irrigation, use of mulches, and appropriate maintenance. The word itself comes from xeros—Greek for dry. Combining xeros with …
Meet Fantastic Volunteers Teresa and Josh Stover It’s hard to take part in any Block House Creek event without seeing Teresa Stover, and often her husband Josh, lending a helping hand! You’ll find her hard at work during such community-wide events as lining the loop with flags on the Fourth of July and assisting in …