Hey baby, it’s cold outside! Doesn’t matter to the Aqua Babes, BHC’s swim team who recently accomplished that… “Magical Mile”.
Swimming a mile is a major milestone! So how many laps does it take to make a mile? Complicated answer. The technically correct definition of a “lap” is two lengths of a pool, down and back. Experts say a mile is 1750 yards or 70 singular laps of 25 yards. Right? Sometimes. There are a lot more factors to consider, and the list of factors is long and complicated. What’s more, whether or not an individual is able to accomplish a mile covers a lot of additional territory—length of the pool, age and physical condition of the athlete, actual amount of time spent in the pool, whether or not swimming is a daily activity, on and on.
For BHC, the magical mile-makers are the newly-named Aqua Babes, swimmers who, not so long ago, could simply be described as enrollees in the Lifeguard4Hire’s adult beginner’s class. We’re not talking competitive swimmers. We’re talking your nearby neighbors. It took these dedicated swimmers, led by Lifeguard4Hire leader Mark Szmania, seventeen months to go from absolute beginners to swimmers able to accomplish that magical milestone—a MILE—as a result of their participation in a one-hour per week class! As a result of their fantastic achievement, accomplished approximately one month ago, they are now considered adult MASTER swimmers now averaging 1100 yards per class! What’s more, the recent frigid temperatures don’t bother these ladies a bit. They are dedicated swimmers who arrive for their class and swim their laps at Apache pool no matter what the thermometer reads!
Join us in offering our heartiest congratulations to BHC’s adult MASTER swimmers: Cheryl Pressly, Jean Tooke, Lisa Ake, Linda Mock, and Cindy Pack, as well as to Lifeguard4Hire’s swimming coach, Mark Szmania!
Do note: Mark is planning additional adult beginner classes as well as adult mobility classes. If you would like to participate and perhaps achieve that magical MILE, contact Mark via the website’s homepage, bottom right.