A Friendly Reminder from your Board of Directors regarding RVs, Boats, Trailers, etc
Recently, we have seen an increase in the number of vehicle-related violations in the Association, including an increase in the number of boats, trailers, and RVs/campers and visible vehicle repair work throughout the Association. 
Although we are living in unprecedented times right now, the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions remains binding and in effect. Per Article 3 of the Declaration, many types of vehicles are prohibited from being visibly parked anywhere in the Association, including trailers, boats, campers, buses, motorcycles, ATVs, mobile homes, travel trailers, RVs, and commercial vehicles. These vehicles must be kept at all times in an enclosed structure (such as a closed garage) or screened from view so that they are not visible from the street or from neighboring properties, except during times that they are in actual use (being used by a vendor who is performing work at the property at the time the trailer is observed, or being actively loaded/unloaded at the time of observation. Active use does NOT mean parked overnight for work to commence the next day, brought home for a lunch break between jobs, or that the vehicle is permitted to be parked for any length of time before or following loading or unloading). 
We have received confirmation that many, if not all, trailer/RV/boat storage facilities do remain open and operational while the current ‘Stay Home Stay Safe’ order and Governor Abbott’s Executive Order are in effect. If you have a boat, trailer, RV, or other vehicle or equipment prohibited under Article 3 of the Declaration, please promptly return those to storage outside of the Association, as they are not permitted to be parked or stored at your property at this or any other time. 
**If you currently have an RV or camper trailer at your property that is being used for emergency quarantine housing for a healthcare worker, a person currently infected with COVID-19, or a displaced university student whose student housing has become unavailable during the quarantine, please email bhcoa@pinnacletexas.com with documentation of the situation and to demonstrate potential necessity for the RV/camper to remain at the property to avoid a health crisis.  Requests for such emergency housing consideration will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and a temporary variance may be permitted if the RV/camper is parked entirely on a driveway, with no portion of the vehicle overhanging the sidewalk or grass, and no portion of the vehicle extending into the street. In the event that any such temporary emergency allowances are approved, those vehicles must be removed no later than 48 hours from the time the current ‘Stay Home Stay Safe’ and Governor Abbott’s Executive Order are amended, rescinded, or such time as they expire.
Please note that Article 3 also states that vehicle repair work of any kind must only be performed inside a closed garage or other enclosed structure, so while this may seem the perfect time to give your car a tune-up or rotate the tires, please be sure that all such work is performed inside a closed garage or somewhere outside of the Association, and not in your driveway, yard, or the street where it is visible to your neighbors or passing drivers.
If you have any questions regarding the restrictive covenants for your property, please call our Association Manager, Pinnacle Texas Management Services, at 512-795-8461, and they will be happy to assist you further. 

Thank you for your continued efforts to keep Block House Creek beautiful, and please stay safe and healthy! 
– Your BHC Owners Association Board of Directors