We have noticed that several inflatable jump houses, splash pads, hammocks, swings, and other temporary play equipment have started to pop up around the Association to keep our children entertained and occupied during the current school closures. In consideration of the increased stress and difficulties faced by so many of us during the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Directors has agreed that certain items normally deemed unsightly will be temporarily permitted in an effort to help our residents find some enjoyment and peace of mind in these trying times, provided that certain requirements are met.
If you have jump houses, splash pads, swings, hammocks, slack lines, or other temporary play items of this nature at your property, we encourage you to please locate them in the back yard only to assist in keeping them sanitized, promoting social distancing, and to prevent contamination due to unknown use by others who may carry the COVID-19 virus. If they must be located in the front yard, please be sure that they are located entirely in your own yard (not blocking any portion of the sidewalk, not located in the street, and not permitted to cross over onto any portion of your neighbor’s property). Please be sure to practice the required social distancing at all times and do not permit persons who live outside of your home to use the jump house or other play equipment at the same time that persons from your household are using it. Additionally, we ask that all residents please take responsibility for frequently cleaning and disinfecting such play items for the safety of yourselves and your fellow Block House residents.
Please note that items such as jump houses, splash pads, hammocks, ride-on-toys and bicycles, etc are generally not permitted to be visible in BHC Owners Association at any time that they are not in actual use, so while these items will not be prohibited during the current quarantine, ALL such items must be removed from sight no later than 36 hours following the expiration or suspension of the current ‘Stay Home Stay Safe’ orders for Williamson County and Governor Abbott’s Executive Order, or the reopening of Leander ISD schools, whichever comes first.
In regards to portable basketball goals, these are not permitted to be visible at any time (except when in actual use) within BHC Owners Association. Please be sure if you or your children use a portable basketball goal, that it is immediately returned to a location fully screened from view from the street and neighboring properties after each use. Portable basketball goals may not be left out overnight or during any breaks from play. Violations for having a portable basketball goal visible at a property while not in use will continue to be enforced per the standard protocol, regardless of the status of any Williamson County quarantine orders, Governor’s Executive Order, or LISD school closures. As always, permanent basketball goals are permitted if the following requirements are all met:
“Each basketball goal must be specifically approved by the Architectural Committee before it is installed. The metal pole must be permanently installed in the ground, at least 25′ back from the curb. The basketball goal must be properly maintained, painted, and nets must be in good repair.”
When playing basketball or any other group sport or activity, please be aware that playing with persons who do not live in the same house as you does violate the social distancing requirements in place, and it does increase the risk for you and others to become infected or spread the COVID-19 virus. We ask that all residents remain aware of the risks, and please supervise your children to ensure that all outdoor play remains safe.
If you have any questions regarding the restrictive covenants for your property, please call our Association Manager, Pinnacle Texas Management Services, at 512-795-8461, and they will be happy to assist you further.
Thank you for keeping Block House Creek safe!
– Your BHC Owners Association Board of Directors