For many Block House Creek residents, especially newcomers, understanding which sections of Block House Creek fall under the jurisdiction of the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCRs) for the BHC Owners Association or of the CCRs for the different sections within the Block House Creek Municipal Utility District (MUD) can be confusing 

Provided for you is a visual representation that your Association hopes will “map things out” for you.  To view at full size, visit the Association’s website, www.blockhousecreek.orgThe map is available under both the “News” header and the “Documents” header. 

Whether a street is shown on the map in yellow to indicate that it is a part of the BHC Owners Association (OA), or in white to indicate that it is located in the non-OA section of the District we are one community. All of the properties within Block House MUD are within the City of Cedar Park Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) and are subject to certain City of Cedar Park ordinances and codes. Until Block House Creek is annexed by the City of Cedar Park, law enforcement services are provided by the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office. 

So, exactly what is a MUD? A Municipal Utility District (MUD) is a political subdivision of the State of Texas created with certain authorities under the Texas Water Code. Services that a MUD is authorized to provide include water and wastewater services, solid waste and recycling services, deed restriction enforcement, operation of pools and parks, and the provision of other recreational facilities and activities. MUDs have greater flexibility than a city because residents have a more narrowly-defined sense of neighborhood and more interest in their community. 

The primary difference between areas defined as a BHC OA and Block House MUD rests in the restrictive covenants, commonly known as deed restrictions. The restrictive covenants were written and recorded years ago by a variety of builders. 

All properties within the BHC Owners Association are governed by one set of restrictive covenants. For the 1,228 properties that are within the BHC Owners Association, the Association enforces its covenants and has its own Architectural Control Committee (ACC) and ACC standards. There are several similar sets of deed restrictions for the remaining 960 lots within the Block House Municipal Utility District. The MUD enforces the deed restrictions for the properties not subject to the BHC Owners Association. These properties also have a separate ACC. 

The BHC Owners Association and the Block House Municipal Utility District are separate entities which have different and independent Boards of Directors. These Boards diligently and cooperatively strive to enhance the quality of life for all who reside in Block House Creek.