H-E-B Center Tailgate Series
Felipe Esparza
Saturday, November 21, 2020
H-E-B Center At Cedar Park Drive-In
Use “Unlock” Code: COMEDY
Load up your truck! Bring your coolers and grills! There’s space for your car and your social distanced tailgate party. Tickets are per car (not per person) Get your entry ticket today! #HEBCTailgateSeries
Add $40 Food & Beverage COOLER PACKAGES to your ticket order to have delivered to your car upon arrival! All cooler packs come in a commemorative cooler bag. SEE MENU
*Presale open Thurs 10/8/20 from 10am-10pm only. Use code COMEDY in the “UNLOCK” box on ticketmaster.com to activate presale. Additional fees apply.
H-E-B Center Tailgate Series
with special guest
Colton Dixon
October 9 & 10, 2020
H-E-B Center At Cedar Park Drive-In
Use “Unlock: Code: SAVE20
Load up your truck! Bring your coolers and grills! There’s space for your car and your social distanced tailgate party. Tickets are per car (not per person) Get your entry ticket today! #HEBCTailgateSeries
Add $40 Food & Beverage COOLER PACKAGES to your ticket order to have delivered to your car upon arrival! All cooler packs come in a commemorative cooler bag. SEE MENU
*Offer valid on price level 2 only now through Thurs 10/8/20 at 11:59pm. Limited quantity. Use code SAVE20 in the “UNLOCK” box on ticketmaster.com to activate offer. Additional fees apply. Offer not valid on previously purchased tickets.