Halloween is coming! … and, this year, Halloween is a Full Moon, a Blue Moon, and on a Saturday. We also get to turn the clocks back on November 1st, giving us an extra hour of Halloween!
The First BHC Owners Association District-wide Halloween Outdoor Decorating Contest!
If you or your Block House Creek neighbors have outstanding Halloween displays that you feel are worthy of consideration as a BHC OA Outdoor Decorating Contest winner, we need to hear from you! Simply share with us the address of the home you wish the judging team to consider, whether it’s your own or that of a neighbor. There’s no limit on how many addresses you can nominate, so feel free to send as many as you like. Judging will be held on the evening of October 29th. (Outdoor decorators—be sure to turn your lights on early on the 29th and leave those lights on until 10:00 PM!). Winners will receive a cash prize!
Bear in mind, judging is by NOMINATION ONLY. Please send your nominations as early as possible but no later than October 27th! Submit your nominations to bhcoa@pinnacletexas.com . The BHCOA Outdoor Decorations Judging Team looks forward to hearing from you and seeing the Halloween spirit in our community!
1st Place – $100.00
2nd Place – $75.00
3rd Place – $50.00
Sponsored by the BHC Owners Association, Inc.