The BHC Owners Association Board of Directors will hold a meeting on Thursday October 14th, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. The meeting is open to all Association members and will be held via Zoom. Please see meeting link and dial in information below.
BHC Owners Association Board Meeting Agenda
October 14, 2021, 6:30 p.m.
1. MUD Board Communications
2. Citizen Communications
3. Discussion and Possible Action – Board meeting minutes
4. Joint Use Agreement with MUD
a. Use of Facilities
b. Electronic Sign
3. Committee/Events Reports
a. Communications – Lisa
b. Recreation Events – Samantha
September – Haute Spot “block” party
October Events – Pumpkin Patch, Lantern Workshops and Parade, Halloween Decorating Contest
November – Annual Meeting, Disc Golf Tournament, Camp Out, Food Drive, Recycling
6. Executive Session Discussion and Possible Action
a. Deed Restriction and
b. Collection Matters
7. Adjournment
Join Zoom Meeting
Dial +1 346 248 7799 US
Meeting ID: 925 2989 6641
Passcode: 395408