Mandatory Outdoor Water Restrictions in Effect

Effective August 1st and continuing until further notice, Block House MUD is in Stage 3 of the Drought Contingency Plan, which calls for mandatory compliance with a one day per week watering schedule for residential customers.

If the last digit of your house number is an EVEN number, your designated watering day is Thursday.

If the last digit of your house number is an ODD number, your designated watering day is Wednesday.

Outdoor watering is ONLY permitted before 10:00 AM and after 7:00 PM. Handheld hoses equipped with a positive pistol grip nozzle or other device that automatically shuts off water flow when the hose is not being used as well as handheld buckets for watering are permitted on any day and at any time.

Compliance with the schedule is mandatory and violators will be subject to monetary penalties as well as disconnection of water utilities.

  • First Violation—$200 fine;
  • Second Violation—$500 fine;
  • Third Violation—termination of water service.

Those who have questions or who wish to report a violation may contact Crossroads Utility Services at 512-259-0959 or by using a form available on MUD’s website, The Contingency Plan can also be viewed on MUD’s website.